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High Risk Life Insurance


If you’ve been denied life insurance because of a serious medical condition, rest assured that some life insurance carriers may not be as strict about certain health conditions as others may be. Having knowledge of the carriers that offer the best high risk life insurance policies may be the best way to begin your search to start getting high risk life insurance quotes at the lowest rates.


Believe it or not, there are life insurance carriers who may provide traditional life insurance coverage to individuals who have had heart attack, cancer and diabetes type II. There may also be traditional coverage for individuals who are obese or who smoke marijuana. For more information, visit our article Life Insurance for Marijuana Smokers.” Individuals with pacemakers, epilepsy, those on medication for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder may also be able to obtain some types of traditional coverage as opposed to high risk life insurance policies in some cases.

Some examples of medically-based High Risk Life Insurance:

High Cholesterol / Taking Cholesterol Medication

High Blood Pressure / Treated Blood Pressure

Life Insurance with Diabetes

Life Insurance with Bipolar Disorder

Non-medical high risk applicants are those individuals whose job may be hazardous, may take part in dangerous hobbies or those who may have numerous speeding offenses or DUI’s. For these individuals, there may also be specific carriers that specialize in high risk life insurance quotes.

Three steps to approval on high risk life insurance policies are generally:

1) Fill out a Pre-App Plus Questionnaire in its entirety.

2) Along with a detailed health bio, you may want to submit the Pre-App Plus Questionnaire to several life insurance carriers to find an appropriate high risk life insurance policy.

3) Many carriers may have trial offers; individuals may want to send an application along with the trial offer for a high risk life insurance policy to the carrier. If additional findings are not presented during underwriting to the carrier during the trial period, they are generally bound (to a certain degree) to the offer.

To find out more information about high risk life insurance, fill out a simple request form for free, no-obligation quotes!